Tell Us Your Biggest Fears and We’ll Give You a Creepy Netflix Original to Watch

Everyone has something that absolutely terrifies them. Even if you wouldn’t consider yourself to be a total scaredy cat, there’s always at least one thing that makes you irrationally afraid, even if you know deep down that you’re being ridiculous. So what’s yours? Do you tend to have a panic attackShow More

Everyone has something that absolutely terrifies them. Even if you wouldn’t consider yourself to be a total scaredy cat, there’s always at least one thing that makes you irrationally afraid, even if you know deep down that you’re being ridiculous. So what’s yours? Do you tend to have a panic attack when you’re driving over water? Or does being in the dark completely petrify you? Does the idea of swimming in the ocean sound frightening because of all the unknown sea creatures swarming below you, just waiting for a chance to strike? Do you think ghosts are just a bunch of made-up stories to scare kids, or does the idea of a spirit invading your home chill you to the core?

This quiz will ask you a series of questions about what scares you the most. Then, based on your responses, we’ll recommend a creepy Netflix Original that we’re sure you’ll love. Ready to face your fears? Let’s get started!


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How do you feel about the dark?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • It doesn’t bother me at all.
  • It makes me a little uneasy.
  • It TERRIFIES me!

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!