Tell Us Your Eating Habits and We’ll Tell You What Strange Food Combo You Should Try

We love food, and not just in the “I need this stuff to survive” sort of love. I’m talking real love. The love that sends us out in our PJs at midnight for that last pint of ice cream or late-night French fries. We all know the glory of macaroni and cheese, the divinity of French fries and ketShow More

We love food, and not just in the “I need this stuff to survive” sort of love. I’m talking real love. The love that sends us out in our PJs at midnight for that last pint of ice cream or late-night French fries. We all know the glory of macaroni and cheese, the divinity of French fries and ketchup, and who could forget cake and ice cream. That said, not all foods are a match made in heaven. Have you ever heard of Cheetos and milk? What about Oreos dipped in orange juice? Yeah, us either, until 2018 when Twitter erupted with a plethora of bizarre food combinations that rocked the world’s palette. So why don’t we tell you which one to try? I mean according to Twitter these are widely enjoyed by the posters and their hometowns, so they can’t be ALL bad right?

We’ve tried some, but we’re gonna leave a few in your capable hands. Tell us a little bit about your eating habits, and we’ll tell you which one to try.

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How do you take your steak?

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  • Medium Rare
  • Medium Well
  • Well Done
  • Medium
  • Blue
  • Rare

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!