Tell Us What Sparks Joy for You, and We’ll Tell You Which Room Could Use a Declutter

By now, most of us have seen Marie Kondo’s super cute, but highly emotional Netflix series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. In it, Kondo uses her world-famous method of tidying to help families who are drowning under the weight of their own clutter. Using the five categories of clothing, books, papersShow More

By now, most of us have seen Marie Kondo’s super cute, but highly emotional Netflix series Tidying Up with Marie Kondo. In it, Kondo uses her world-famous method of tidying to help families who are drowning under the weight of their own clutter. Using the five categories of clothing, books, papers, komono, and mementos, Kondo brings smiles to the families faces by helping them to rediscover the items that spark joy for them. Kondo’s methods grew to fame after a devastating natural disaster rocked Japan and forced its citizens to truly re-evaluate the value of things they wanted versus the things they needed.

We’re no Marie Kondo, but we do know a thing or two about tidying (even if just from having to tidy our own messes). With this quiz, we’re going to help you discover which room in your house is most likely in need of a tidy. Whenever you’re ready, click through and begin the journey to discover what sparks joy in your life.

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How often do you shop for new clothes?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • An average amount.
  • Frequently
  • Every once in a while.
  • Rarely.
  • Only when it’s absolutely necessary.
  • How bout never…

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!