Tidy Up Your Home Like Marie Kondo and We’ll Tell You How Your Life Will Magically Improve

New year, new me, new series to binge on Netflix. It’s no surprise the world-renowned Japanese organization guru, Marie Kondo, landed her own series touring homes in the U.S. bringing magical life change and adorable boxes to put stuff in along the way. Her show – non-coincidentally released on New Show More

New year, new me, new series to binge on Netflix. It’s no surprise the world-renowned Japanese organization guru, Marie Kondo, landed her own series touring homes in the U.S. bringing magical life change and adorable boxes to put stuff in along the way. Her show – non-coincidentally released on New Years Day – is called Tidying Up, but did you know this is based on her best selling book The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up. So yes, this is not just reality show manufactured magical moments. The heart-warming life changes you’ve seen on your screens can also be yours if you just follow her rules and commit to tidying your home! But, how?

We can help you figure out how your life is going to change. We’ll help you sort through some stuff, discover what sparks joy, then use that data to predict what arena of your life is going to be the most open to welcome this change. So, thank Marie Kondo for all the good that’s about to happen in your life! Well, after you do the work first. Now, get working!

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If you're pretending that the prospect of tidying up doesn't give you at least trace amounts of anxiety, you're probably lying. So be real with us: what room are you most dreading tidying up?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • Kitchen
  • Bedroom
  • Bathroom
  • Garage
  • Living room
  • Basement/attic

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!