Tidy Up Your Home Like Marie Kondo and We’ll Tell You How Your Life Will Magically Improve
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New year, new me, new series to binge on Netflix. It’s no surprise the world-renowned Japanese organization guru, Marie Kondo, landed her own series touring homes in the U.S. bringing magical life change and adorable boxes to put stuff in along the way. Her show – non-coincidentally released on New Show More
New year, new me, new series to binge on Netflix. It’s no surprise the world-renowned Japanese organization guru, Marie Kondo, landed her own series touring homes in the U.S. bringing magical life change and adorable boxes to put stuff in along the way. Her show – non-coincidentally released on New Years Day – is called Tidying Up, but did you know this is based on her best selling book The Life-Changing Magic Of Tidying Up. So yes, this is not just reality show manufactured magical moments. The heart-warming life changes you’ve seen on your screens can also be yours if you just follow her rules and commit to tidying your home! But, how?
We can help you figure out how your life is going to change. We’ll help you sort through some stuff, discover what sparks joy, then use that data to predict what arena of your life is going to be the most open to welcome this change. So, thank Marie Kondo for all the good that’s about to happen in your life! Well, after you do the work first. Now, get working!

If you're pretending that the prospect of tidying up doesn't give you at least trace amounts of anxiety, you're probably lying. So be real with us: what room are you most dreading tidying up?
- Kitchen
- Bedroom
- Bathroom
- Garage
- Living room
- Basement/attic

Marie Kondo's method is known for having five stages that must be done in order. What phase are you most looking forward to?
- Clothes
- Books
- Papers
- Komono (or miscellaneous)
- Sentimental

So, like Marie says: if you're feeling stuck, start with what's easiest first. Hold these items of clothing and tell us which one sparks the most amount of joy.
GettyVintage tee shirt
GettyFavorite jeans
GettyDate night outfit
GettyNew sneakers

When it comes to your clothes, you can see yourself having the most fun organizing... what?
- Bras/underwear
- Socks
- Shirts
- Workout clothes
- Bags and purses
- Anything hanging up in the closet.

What do you plan on doing with all this stuff you don't need anymore?
- Throw it out
- Give it away
- Sell it
- Have an informal exchange/swap with friends who are also tidying up!

It's the scandal that's had nerds offended all throughout the Internet, so we have to ask: how do you feel about getting rid of some of your books?
- I’ll get rid of books that don’t do anything for me anymore.
- I’ll get rid of books that I know I’ll never reread.
- Send it away, who cares? It’s just stuff!
- I get a new boo for every book I throw out, right? That’s how this works?

Now that your books are tidied, how are you going to organize them to go back on the shelf?
- Alphabetically
- By topic/category
- By color
- By when I got them in my life, so… autobiographically?
- What do you mean organize my books? Lolololol

You have so many papers! But, some of them need to be kept. So, where are you keeping them?
- Digitally scanning them then shredding.
- Into folders
- Boxes are my new BFF!

You just found some small decorative boxes while tidying up. They'll be a perfect home for... what?
GettyOffice supplies, like paper clips
GettyLoose tea bags
GettyLaundry quarters
GettySpare sets of keys

We won't tell anyone your secret shame. But, what expired offenders are you tossing out of your bathroom?
- Old makeup
- Over the counter medication.
- Clumpy, old hair product and lotion.
- Empty Band Aid boxes
- Expired mouthwash
- Old antibiotics and prescription meds.

When it comes to the komono stage, you're living in fear of tidying your near hoarder-like collection of what?
- Christmas decorations
- Miscellaneous electrical cords you have no idea what they go to.
- Gift cards that may or may not have money on them.
- Dusty candles you never lit.
- Clothes from ten pounds ago in either direction.
- Food that’s either expired or freezer burnt.

Organizing your kitchen is going to be fun. In fact, you're really looking forward to organizing one thing in particular in that room. What is it?
- Pots and pans
- Cooking utensils
- Pantry
- Refrigerator
- Oven mitts and dish towels.

Here's the most tricky part of tidying up. How do you feel about potentially discarding sentimental items?
- It makes me too sad to think about it.
- It’s 90% of what I hoard so it’s what I expected, really.
- Eh, who cares. It’s just stuff.
- It’s gonna feel so good LET ME AT IT!

Marie Kondo loves a mess, so know that no one's judging you here. But, you still have to tell us. How are you on the scale from one to hoarder?
- I’m one pile of mail away from my friends and relatives staging a hoarders intervention.
- I clutter on different surfaces, but I’m not a hoarder.
- Not consciously. I more so just forget that I have things, so I buy more of the same thing, then… well, you know.
- I’m not messy, I just have a lot of stuff tucked away.
- I’m already pretty good so this tidying up is going to be more about organization for me.

What sentimental item are you definitely keeping?
GettyHigh school yearbook
GettyEmbarrassing childhood photos
GettyLove letters from exes
GettyNewspapers from a significant day in history

Let's be real, are you going to use the KonMari folding method?
- Sure! Having my clothes stand up is so cute and you can see everything!
- Some things I’ll fold like that, but not others. Who folds their underwear anyway?
- Just organizing my clothes feels tidy enough.
- HAHAHA absolutely not! I like my method of folding the way it is.

What did you find while tidying that you're now going to prominently feature or use in your home now?
- Old family photos
- A collection you forgot about.
- Cool kitchen appliances
- Beautiful vases

In the words of the movie Step Brothers, you have so much room for activities! What are you going to fill that room with? You earned it!
- A crafting room
- Drawer for baking supplies
- Space to showcase my momentos!
- Peace of mind!
- Room for people to sit when I have guests over.
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