We Know How Many Kids You’ll Have Based on a Typical Day in Your Life
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People usually say that no one’s “ready” to have a kid, they just become ready when the time comes, wherever they’re at in their lives. How much do you think about having kids in your life? Well, that depends if you’re a parent already. If you’re not though, we’re guessing you live your life as if yShow More
People usually say that no one’s “ready” to have a kid, they just become ready when the time comes, wherever they’re at in their lives. How much do you think about having kids in your life? Well, that depends if you’re a parent already. If you’re not though, we’re guessing you live your life as if you don’t have children. And why should you adjust your life around some hypothetical offspring that don’t exist (yet)? Well, we’re here to tell you that based on your life now, we can more or less surmise how many children you’re pre-destined to have.
We’ll walk you all the way from waking up to going to bed. You make your choices and then we’ll try to fit as many kids into your life as it exists already as we believe you can handle. Be forewarned though: your results may surprise you. Bet you didn’t think you’d end up with more than five kids, did you? Well, here’s a hint: if you think that’s not you, it’s probably you. Hope you have enough bedrooms for that! Have fun!

Good morning! Time to wake up! Speaking of, what size bed do you wake up in?
- Twin
- Double
- Queen
- King

How many times do you hit the snooze button on your alarm before you're finally up and about?
- Once
- Twice
- Three times
- I have multiple alarms programmed for this very exact problem.
- NEVER! Alarm goes off? I gotta get up!

Time for breakfast! Pick out your (typical) first meal of the day.
GettyYogurt parfait
GettyGranola bar (to go)
GettyVeggie omelet
GettyJust coffee

How do you get to work (or wherever you need to go) in the morning?
- Car
- Subway/train
- Bus
- Uber/Lyft/taxi
- Walking
- N/A – I work from home!

Playlist selection is key. You prefer your morning music to do what exactly?
- Pump you up for the day!
- Ease you into the morning gradually.
- No music! Talk radio only! NPR forever!

A friend from work asks you to accompany them to a 5AM exercise class. It would disrupt your routine. Do you do it?
- Sure! I love socializing and exercise.
- I would love the change in routine – sign me up!
- It depends on the work out.
- I’ll agree and then forget and over apologize.
- Hahahaha did you say 5AM? YEAH NO.

What best describes your typical weekday uniform?
- Workout pants and a t-shirt.
- Jeans and a casual top.
- A trendy well put-together ensemble.
- Business casual
- A suit

Where do you spend most of your weekdays anyway? Where does your day typically take place?
- School
- Work
- Home
- Depends on the day.

But you can't forget the essentials! You absolutely can't leave home without what?
GettyLip balm
GettyPhone charger

Regardless of how hard you work, your phone is pretty much attached to your hand. Who are you texting all day?
- Your best friends
- Your family
- Your spouse/significant other
- Your work colleagues

It's mid-day! How hard did today hit you? Do you need a second cup of coffee?
- Yes please!
- No, I’ll get the jitters
- No, I don’t drink coffee.
- Hahaha more like fifth cup of coffee!

When are you ending your work day and/or heading home?
- A little bit before 5PM
- 5PM on the dot
- Between 6PM and 7PM
- After 7PM
- Whenever my work gets finished for the day? Is this a trick question?
- After work ends, I usually go to another event, so I won’t be home for a while after I get out.

What are you most looking forward to when you finally get home at the end of the day?
- Hanging out with your pet
- Eating dinner
- Taking your pants off and getting cozy
- Watching TV
- Talking to your parter/roommate

What do you need to do at the end of your day to help you wind down?
- Read a book
- Take a bath/shower
- Scroll through social media
- Watch bad reality TV
- Drink tea
- Eat junk food

Pretend you had a rough day. You should treat yourself! You're going to indulge in what?
GettyIce cream
GettyA drink or two
GettyA movie
GettyA little online shopping

Time for bed! What time is your head most likely to hit the pillow?
- 9PM
- 10PM
- 11PM
- 12AM
- Early morning

What basic sleeping position do you need to be in in order to pass out for the nigiht?
- On your back
- On your belly
- On your side
- Spread out across the bed like a starfish.
- Fetal position

How do you feel about waking up tomorrow and doing this all over again? You ready for it?
- Sure, bring it on!
- With some changes here and there, sure.
- I mean I wouldn’t mind it, but I feel kinda indifferent about it.
- Ugh, no thanks! Give me the weekend now please.
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