We Know Which Hobby You Should Pick Up During Quarantine
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Things are pretty crazy in the world right now, aren’t they? You’re stuck at home, unable to socialize and reconnect with friends and family members, and probably pretty nervous about what the future will bring. So, since you don’t have anything else to do, take this quiz to find a new hobby!
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Things are pretty crazy in the world right now, aren’t they? You’re stuck at home, unable to socialize and reconnect with friends and family members, and probably pretty nervous about what the future will bring. So, since you don’t have anything else to do, take this quiz to find a new hobby!
It’s feeling a little apocalyptic out there these days, so sit down, take some deep breaths and participate in our fun little quiz to help keep your mind off of current events. The added bonus is you’ll find a new hobby to help you pass the time.

How old are you?
- Under 20
- 20-30
- 31-40
- Above 40

Do you have kids?
- No and I don’t know what the future will hold.
- Yes
- Not yet, but someday!
- Nope, I’m not a fan of kids.

Are you typically an introvert or an extrovert?
- If I never saw another human being in my life, I would be just fine.
- I love social gatherings and I don’t feel like myself unless I see my besties at least once a week.
- I’m a mixture of the two.
- I love being around people but often times find myself the happiest when I’m Netflixin’ and chillin’ by myself.

Which scenery is most appealing to you?

What was your first reaction when talk about a potential quarantine surfaced?
- “Awesome! ‘Snow days’ for weeks! Where’s my Snuggie?”
- “Oh my lanta, I am not prepared for a lock down. I need to go to the store STAT.”
- “This is not ideal. What am I going to do with my kids for days on end?”
- “I’m worried about what the economy is going to look like after this.”

Which image is most relatable to you and the current state of your kitchen?

What word best describes your personality?
- Witty
- Caring
- Spontaneous
- Athletic
- Wild
- Organized
- Intelligent

What are you most likely to do during a pandemic?
- Stock up on toilet paper, obviously.
- Pay a stranger’s electricity bill.
- Wear a surgical mask everywhere I go.
- Act 100% normal.

What do you do as soon as you wake up in the morning?
- Check my texts/emails.
- Give my partner a smooch.
- Go to the bathroom.
- Stretch my stiff body and get my joints back in place.

What TV show is most relatable to you right now?
- A Million Little Things
- Grey’s Anatomy
- The Office
- Modern Family
- Paw Patrol
- The Good Place
- Ummm, none of the above.

If you had no choice, and had to eat "one thing" for the rest of your life. What would it be? (Yes, you would get everything pictured in the image you choose.)

Take your little beady eyes off the screen for a hot moment. Look around, what color do you see most of?

When you're stuck at home sick what are your general feelings?
- I love the day off to catch up on all my favorite shows.
- I hate it, I want out of the house ASAP!
- I like it for a day or two, anymore than that and I want to be free!
- I’m never sick, so I don’t know.

What's your favorite rainy day activity?

What's your favorite sport?
- Swimming
- Playing basketball
- Volleyball
- I don’t play sports

You're on a deserted island and you can only bring one thing. What is it?

It's take out time! Which type of food are you ordering?
- Italian, I could live off of pizza and pasta indefinitely.
- Indian food, the spicier the better!
- Chinese food never gets old.
- American — fries, hamburgers, hot dogs, sign me up!

Art will get us through this time! What's your artistic expression of choice?

Let's say you could leave your house, which mode of transportation is your preference?
- Car, for sure!
- My bike, I love being outdoors!
- Train, so I can zone out.
- Plane, take me somewhere far, far away!

Music is our favorite way to lighten our mood. Which singer is your go-to for a pick me up?
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