We Know Your True Self Based on the Minor Arcana of the Tarot
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Have you ever found yourself in a magic shop, the grocery store, or traveling down the road only too multiple signs advertising things like spiritual advice, palm reading, and tarot? If not, well perhaps you should take a second look, but if you have, have you ever felt the slightest pang of curiosiShow More
Have you ever found yourself in a magic shop, the grocery store, or traveling down the road only too multiple signs advertising things like spiritual advice, palm reading, and tarot? If not, well perhaps you should take a second look, but if you have, have you ever felt the slightest pang of curiosity?
Contrary to popular belief, tarot is not really something that’s used to foretell the future. Instead, tarot is a physical look of our deeper spiritual selves. The cards can help to offer advice or warnings on questions that are posed. For instance, simply laying out the cards can be confusing as to what exactly it is they’re saying and therefore blind fortune-telling is almost impossible. That’s where we come in.
There are two suits: Major Arcana and Minor Arcana. Go on a journey where you answer questions posed by the Major Arcana and we’ll tell you which of the Minor Arcana you are most like. Knowing this can help you know what kind of spirit you have and therefore aid in everything from career choices to the types of people you would most enjoy dating. This isn’t a prediction of the future, but rather a deep examination of the soul. Follow your heart, and answer honestly. Now, step into The World and find your Minor Arcana in this quiz.

The horn of Judgment asks: What is it you fear you lack?
- a sense of self-awareness
- Adequacy next to my peers
- The ability to accurately speak about my emotions
- The motivation to finish what I start.

The shining Sun asks: What is it that brings you the most joy?
- Hmm, I think art.
- It sounds awful, but money.
- Talking with those I love.
- When I’m passionate about something.

The ephemeral Moon asks: Of what do you most often dream?
- Usually my life in some way.
- The future.
- The past.
- Of fantasy journeys and magic.

The evanescent Star wonders: what is it that brings you hope?
- Love. Endless love.
- Is it possible that hope does? Like the mere existence of the feeling?
- Acts of kindness.
- When someone gets just what they deserved.

The looming Tower must know: Where is it that you are most comfortable being?
- Anywhere beautiful and artistic.
- At work, where I’m in control.
- Playing sports and being active.
- Wherever there aren’t a lot of people.

The tricky Devil asks: What is your most important possession?
- My thoughts.
- My Friends
- My Body
- My Family

Level headed Temperance asks: When met with two difficult choices, how do you usually arrive at an answer?
- I follow tradition.
- I follow empirical evidence.
- I follow my head.
- I follow my heart.

Were Death, the controller of cycles, to look into your spirit, what animal might he find there?

The Hanged Man Asks: What are you willing to sacrifice to obtain the future you desire.
- Time and Sleep
- Whatever it takes
- My Body
- Love

Swift and merciful, Justice asks: What does karma mean to you?
- It means you get back what you send out threefold.
- I don’t really believe in karma.
- I don’t think I believe in karma, so I choose revenge.
- You reap exactly what you sow. No more, no less.

The reclusive and inward Hermit asks: Which of these rooms speaks to you?

With grace and beauty fit for a queen, the Chariot wonders: Which of these routes would you take?

The curious Lovers would like to know: How important are relationships to you?
- I like the idea of them, but I won’t die without one.
- Not at all
- I never really thought about it.
- Very. I love love.

The wise Hierophant demands an answer: Would you compromise your morality if it meant saving someone you loved?
- Is this even a question? Absolutely.
- I’d have to think about it, but more than likely, no.
- Umm, in most cases no, but I think there may be special times.
- I never cared for defined morality. I do what’s right. Period.

The Empress asks: Do you see yourself having children?

The High Priestess wonders: How often do you keep a part of yourself hidden even from those you trust the most?
- Constantly.
- Sometimes. Not too often.
- Never. Honesty is the best policy.
- Only when it will be to their benefit.

The powerful Magician asks: Which of these elements are you drawn to?

The innocent but crafty Fool asks that you follow your heart and pick a card that speaks to you.
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