How Well Do You Really Know These Popular Business Slogans?

We spend a lot of our daily life surrounded by the brands and products that we all love to consume. Whether it’s ice cream, shoes, or cars, it’s hard to escape the pull of the goods and services located just around the corner of any given street. Each of these products usually comes with a catchShow More

We spend a lot of our daily life surrounded by the brands and products that we all love to consume. Whether it’s ice cream, shoes, or cars, it’s hard to escape the pull of the goods and services located just around the corner of any given street. Each of these products usually comes with a catchy slogan that sticks into our heads like a catchy song. Now, with the constant evolution of social media and the twenty-four-hour news cycle, brands are finding new and interesting to get their message across to their target audiences. Now it’s time to test your memory recall. We’ve gathered the slogans from a few of the most popular companies and products, and we challenge you to get a perfect score.

Do you think you can recite the slogan of these popular companies and products? It won’t be easy, but something tells us you’ve spent your whole life preparing for this.

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What is the slogan for this popular fast food chain known for it’s grand golden arches?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • I’m Cravin’ It.
  • I’m Needin’ It.
  • I’m Lovin’ It.
  • I’m Buyin’ It.

What did you get? Let us know in the comments!