We’ll Tell You Which Oscar-Winning Movie Should You Watch This Weekend
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It’s Oscars season! Have you watched all the nominees for best picture? Well, unless you’re thoroughly obsessed with movies, we highly doubt it. But, that’s okay! I mean, who would spend some quality weekend time seeing a movie they don’t know if they’d like or not. We don’t know what movie will winShow More
It’s Oscars season! Have you watched all the nominees for best picture? Well, unless you’re thoroughly obsessed with movies, we highly doubt it. But, that’s okay! I mean, who would spend some quality weekend time seeing a movie they don’t know if they’d like or not. We don’t know what movie will win Best Picture this year, but we do have a list of best picture winners. Are you into watching a movie this weekend? We can help you out!
Break out your calendar and tell us what your weekend plans are! Do you even have plans? Whatever the case, we’ll find the Oscar-winning movie that will blend in perfectly with what you already have going on. Maybe you’ve seen your perfect movie-match already and maybe you haven’t. Either way, we’re so excited to introduce you to your new favorite movie. And if this becomes your new favorite movie, you have to comment and let us know, okay? Great, now get going!

It's the weekend! Thank goodness! For you, your weekend plans are all about... what?
- Getting drunk.
- Being with friends!
- Doing all the activities you possibly can.
- Relaxing…
- Getting some quality time with my partner.
- Self care.

It's Friday night! You're heading straight out of work and right on over to... where?
- A friend’s house.
- Happy hour!
- A date.
- A movie.
- Out! I don’t care where, just OUT.
- Home to relax and not do anything.

Friday is a school day, not a school night. Do you head home around normal time or stay out late? If you're having a night out, what time do you usually turn in for the night?
- 9 PM
- 11 PM
- Midnight!
- 1:30 AM
- When the bartender says it’s last call, I’ll call myself a car.

If you had to pick one buddy to spend your whole weekend with, who'd it be?
GettyYour partner
GettyYour best friend
GettyYour sibling
GettyYour pets

Be honest: do you have actual plans for your weekend or do you prefer to be spontaneous?
- I have everything mapped out down to the hour.
- A few plans here and there with some heavy chunks of free time.
- Nope! But, there’s a group text to see what everyone else is doing.
- I have scheduled nothing on purpose so leave me alone and don’t talk to me.

In an ideal situation, your Saturday plans would be best described as what?
- Quiet, like reading at a coffee shop alone or getting your nails done.
- Active, like taking a hike or going to a work-out class.
- Exciting, like going to a concert or theme park.
- Fun, like seeing friends or going out.

What's the one grown-up activity that you usually reserve for doing on the weekend?
- Meal planning.
- Scheduling all of your dentist/therapy/doctor’s appointments.
- Grocery shopping.
- Cleaning the whole house.
- It’d be lying to say that you didn’t take work home on the weekends…

The weekend isn't for cooking! It's for ordering take out. Pick the cuisine you're most in the mood for.
- Pizza
- Chinese
- Thai
- Sushi
- Sandwiches
- Indian

You're having friends over this weekend! So, what's the occasion?
- A pot-luck dinner party
- Casual drinks
- Movie night
- Game night
- It’s someone’s birthday – you’re hosting the party!

Treat yourself! Pick out your weekend treat. Indulge in something. What is it?
GettyIce cream
GettyA new book
GettyA great outfit
GettyGame day tickets

We're not going to shame you, but we have to know: how heavily do drugs and alcohol factor into your typical weekend?
- Not at all.
- Only socially.
- Not heavily per se, but it’s definitely there.
- Only alcohol, not drugs.
- Only drugs, not alcohol.
- The whole weekend is planned around drugs and alcohol.

Weekend mornings can go one of two ways. Which one sounds more like you?
- Wake up early to start the day!
- Sleep in as late as humanly possible.

Are you more of a lazy Sunday or Sunday-funday kind of person?
- Lazy Sunday!
- Sunday-Funday!
- Neither – religion’s important to you, so you’ll probably be at church or temple.

Sunday is still the weekend, but it's technically a school night. How do you handle this?
- Go to bed early, you have work in the morning!
- Squeeze in as much activities as possible to maximize on your free time.
- Relax! During the weekday, you’re gonna wish that you had relaxed instead of stressed on Sunday.
- It’ll be Monday on Monday. Let the weekend be the weekend! Don’t be a bummer!

We have to get your stance on brunch. How do you feel about this Sunday staple?
- To be honest, it’s the highlight of the weekend.
- It’s an Olympic event that must be planned in advance.
- It’s a good excuse to get together with friends.
- Brunch is way too expensive for the littlest portions possible.
- It’s something hipsters do for Instagram that’s hell on servers.
- That’s a cool way to say “I woke up hungover Sunday morning, so I’m smashing two meals into one.”

Pick out your dream weekend daytrip of choice.
GettyCamping in the woods
GettyHeading to a sleepy beach town
GettyGoing skiing in the mountains
GettyStaying in a museum all day/forever

What's your general take on the weekend? How do you feel about it?
- It’s the only thing that makes the work week worth it.
- It’s an excuse to whatever you want whenever you want.
- It’s a normal part of the week that consists of approximately two days?
- Unstructured time gives you anxiety and you’d rather not, actually.

Complete this sentence: "No weekend is complete unless I __________."
- Get laid.
- Spend time in nature.
- Nap without consequences.
- Eat junk food and don’t exercise.
- Explore something or somewhere new.
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