We Know What Your Sleeping Habits Reveal About You
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Today we’ll be dropping a ton of truths on you. Did you know that you spend a third of your life sleeping? Yup, we’re just as shocked as you, but it’s true! Imagine what you could do with all of that time if you didn’t need to sleep? Oh, the possibilities! But I’m getting off-topic! We’re not here tShow More
Today we’ll be dropping a ton of truths on you. Did you know that you spend a third of your life sleeping? Yup, we’re just as shocked as you, but it’s true! Imagine what you could do with all of that time if you didn’t need to sleep? Oh, the possibilities! But I’m getting off-topic! We’re not here to discuss that. We’re here to inform you that all that time you spend sleeping hides deep and important information about your personality and your life.
Are you shocked to be learning about this? Well, we sure hope so, because you are about to discover things that you didn’t know about yourself simply based on your sleeping habits! Jump into our sleep analysis quiz to discover what your sleep habits are telling you. Are you ready to take this quiz? Then what are you waiting for? The time is now!

Time to get on the train to sleepytown! What position are you in as the train leaves the station?
On my side
Flat on my back
In fetal position
Facing down with my head turned to the side

Having a sleeping partner can hugely affect your sleep. How many people are in bed when you sleep?
- Just one.
- Pretty normal: two.
- There’s me, my partner, and all our pets.
- Do stuffed animals count as people? Because there are a whooole lot of those.
- I have a partner, but I try to fall asleep before they get into bed because it’s supposed to help you sleep better.

What time are you most likely to go to sleep?
- 10 p.m.
- 1 a.m.
- 12 a.m.
- 3 a.m. or later
- It varies. Anywhere from 7 p.m. to 2 a.m.

OK, so maybe you go to bed at 10 p.m., but how many hours do you sleep once you've hit the sack?
- I like a lot of sleep. I’m typically 8-9 hours, if not more.
- Never as much as I want. Sometimes as low as 4-5.
- I get by pretty well on 6.
- I typically get about 7-8.
- Usually 5.

Some people get up early and that's fine for them, but they're probably superhuman. Are you one of those miraculous morning people?
- I love getting up early!
- I don’t love mornings, but I’m fine getting up around 7 a.m.
- I hate mornings with a fiery passion.

Tell the truth. Are you a snorer? Yes, you may have to ask your significant other on this one.
- Yes, I do snore.
- My partner says I do, but I don’t believe them.
- Nope, no snoring here.

What keeps you up at night?
- Deadlines and work.
- My brain just won’t turn off.
- I get distracted by the book I’m reading and stay up too late.
- Not much, but sometimes bills.
- My latest project. I get so excited!

Everyone does it: the multiple alarms in the morning, JUST IN CASE. How many alarms do you set?
- Just one. Isn’t that normal?
- Two. I usually wake up on the first, but just in case.
- Three. One to wake me up, one to keep me awake, and one to tell me to get out of bed.
- At least five, otherwise I’m not going anywhere.
- Ten minimum. Starting a day is one of the hardest things in the world.

What is the ideal number of pillows?
- As many as you can fit on the bed. I would for sure be using way more than the ones in that picture.
- Two is about right for me.
- One. It’s probably flat as a pancake at this point too.

Look we're all tired it's true. But how often do you utter the words "I'm so tired"?
- Only after a really long night.
- About once every five minutes.
- Maybe once every couple of weeks.
- About once a day.

It’s the last half hour before you head off to dreamland. What are you doing?
- Drawing, painting, singing, or some other kind of artistic endeavor.
- Watching TV.
- Scrolling through the Internet.
- Reading a book.
- Finishing up some work.

A noise outside the window startles you awake. Do you fall back asleep easily or is your night completely ruined?
- No way! That’s keeping me up all night.
- It might keep me up for a little bit, but I’ll fall back asleep.
- Nothing wakes me up once I’m asleep.

You know it's wrong...but do you use electronics right before bed?
- I usually fall asleep while holding on an electronic device.
- Not every day, but I certainly will sometimes.
- I try not to, but I’ve always got something that needs to get done.
- Screens are off at least a half hour before bed.

What do you dream about?
- People turning into animals, giant ice cream cones, or a Ferris wheel that turns into tiny airplanes!!
- I’m always packing for something but never finishing or realizing I haven’t been to class all semester.
- My dreams are pretty classic. Teeth falling out, being naked, not knowing my lines in a play I’m in.
- My mind will turn things over and over again trying to find answers and figure things out.

Tell me about your relationship with naps. Note: there's a right answer and that answer is... ALL THE NAPS!
- I adore naps. More please!!
- I’ll take a nap on a Sunday afternoon every now and then.
- I don’t really take naps.

What is most likely to disrupt your sleep?
- Loud noises will wake me up quickly.
- Light absolutely destroys my sleep.
- Any movement in the room upsets my sleep.
- My cats. Tiny jerks.

Everyone knows that sleep is important, but some of us prioritize it just a little bit more. Which of these fancy sleep things lives in your bedroom?
- Sleep mask
- Soft, expensive sheets
- Stuffed animals
- Earplugs
- A MyPillow

I can sleep on a plane, I can sleep on a train! Can you sleep in all kinds of interesting places?
- I can barely even sleep when I’m snug in bed, much less out in the world.
- There is no place in this world that I cannot sleep.
- If I need to I can sleep on a plane or in a car, but not often.

Some people think that they can make up for bad sleep during the week with an extra late morning on the weekends. Are you one of those people?
- No, I sleep the same hours every night.
- Why would I waste my morning hours sleeping?
- Yes, 100%.
- I do try to make up for sleep, but it’s not just on the weekends, it’s whenever I can.
- Not very often, but if a week was particularly challenging I do.

Coffee is the perfect, life-giving substance that allows people to wake up in the morning. Do you drink it?
- Constantly
- I have one cup of black coffee in the morning.
- I’m more of a tea drinker.
- I can’t do caffeine.
- It’s not a regular habit.
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