What Kind of Christmas Cookie Should You Bake Based on Your Favorite Foods?

Christmas is about the spirit of giving, community, and compulsory capitalism, but mostly it’s about cookies. For those of you who treat your kitchen like an Olympic training gym, Christmas can feel like a big event. What are you going to bake? Should you try something new or stick to your usual? BuShow More

Christmas is about the spirit of giving, community, and compulsory capitalism, but mostly it’s about cookies. For those of you who treat your kitchen like an Olympic training gym, Christmas can feel like a big event. What are you going to bake? Should you try something new or stick to your usual? But, aren’t you tired of that? Why do Christmas cookies send us into an existential crisis before becoming the highlight of every single December? No one knows. One thing’s for sure though, the best metric for judgment about what you should bake is the kinds of food you’re into. Yes, even if you’re exclusively into super salty and savory foods, there’s a Christmas cookie for you. We can do all things through Pinterest which strengthens us and YouTube tutorials which keep us from burning down our kitchens.

Also, Santa secretly told us that he wants new, updated cookies this year with his milk on Christmas Eve. You didn’t hear it from us, but we’re definitely going to help you. Now, preheat the oven and take this quiz!

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All good things in this world come between two slices of bread. You know what we mean. What's your favorite sandwich?

Ready? Scroll down to answer
  • Tuna
  • Grilled cheese
  • Italian
  • BLT
  • Turkey
  • Portobello

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