What Kind Of Natural Disaster Are You Most Like?
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Storms have personalities of their own — that’s why hurricanes have names!
Ever wonder what kind of natural disaster you’re most like? Find out here!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All Show More
Storms have personalities of their own — that’s why hurricanes have names!
Ever wonder what kind of natural disaster you’re most like? Find out here!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

Everyone has a favorite time of year! Which season makes you feel most alive?

There’s been a natural disaster and you can’t leave the house for a week! Which survival food are you most likely to have stocked up?

It’s better to be remembered than forgotten! How do people feel when they hear your name?
- They say nothing, but are secretly excited to see me.
- Terrified! I’m an intimidating person.
- There’s a sense of annoyance…

Is climate change real?
- Yes, and I can prove it to you!
- Yes, but it’s easy for people to forget.
- Possibly. But it doesn’t change the way I live.

You never know when a natural disaster will hit, but you can have an idea! Are you prepared for the worst?
- Yes! I have an entire emergency plan communicated with my family.
- I have my pantry stocked, but that’s it.
- No. Whatever will be, will be.

Your friends have set up weekly get-togethers, but you never RSVP. How are your attendance habits?
- I never need to say when I’ll be there — I’m there as expected.
- I’m always show up, but not at the same time. I give a time frame for when to be expected.
- My friends never know when to expect me.

Oh no, you lost your keys! How do you search for them?
- Look all over the house until I find them.
- Focus on a few places I know they might be.
- Have a temper tantrum and make someone else do the work.

Some are born in just the right place, while others are meant to travel. Does a nomadic lifestyle sound interesting to you?
- Yes! I’ve lived all over. There’s a big world to see!
- Maybe — I like stability. I’ve settled far from home but frequently visit.
- I like to stay close to home. I don’t live far from where I grew up.
- No. I never left my hometown and never will.

Friends come and go, but some stay forever. Are you still close with your childhood buddies?
- Yes, and they’re all I need!
- I maintain some relationships. Most of my friendships are newer.
- No. I’ve totally moved on.

Today is the WORST DAY of your life. How do you take out your frustrations?
- Arbitrary rage. Take it out on everyone and everything.
- I bottle up my emotions until I can’t handle it anymore.
- Silent treatment — everyone gets the cold shoulder.
- I spiral out of control and self-indulge.

You’re at a networking event and don’t know anyone. How do you interact with these friendly strangers?
- Keep to myself until someone says hi.
- Make sure to say hello to everyone in the room!
- Awkwardly join conversations but not say anything.
- Only talk to whoever seems interesting and move on.

If you were a superhero, which basic element would give you the most power?

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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