What Kind Of Wifey Are You Based On Your Zodiac?
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What kind of wifey are you? The zodiac holds all the answers!
Whether you are married, engaged, or single — our test reveals your wifey vibes. We will determine your sign AND what kind of wifey you are with a clever combination of questions. Don’t believe it? Take this quiz to find out if we arShow More
What kind of wifey are you? The zodiac holds all the answers!
Whether you are married, engaged, or single — our test reveals your wifey vibes. We will determine your sign AND what kind of wifey you are with a clever combination of questions. Don’t believe it? Take this quiz to find out if we are bluffing.
You may be surprised at your spookily accurate results! After you take the quiz, why not share the results with your friends?

When were you born?
- March 21 – April 19
- April 20 – May 20
- May 21-June 20
- June 21- July 22
- July 23- August 22
- August 23-September 22
- September 23- October 22
- October 23- November 21
- November 22- December 21
- December 22- January 19
- January 20- February 18
- February 19- March 20

What do you think about being a "wifey"?
- It means I found my soulmate.
- I’m not too fond of the term “wifey”. It makes me feel trapped!
- It’s annoying when people who AREN’T married call each other hubby/wifey. Put a ring on it, already!
- I love the word “wifey” it is such a cute term. I can’t wait to be a wifey!
- *Sigh* I can’t wait to be someone’s “wifey”.

What are some clever ways to spice up a relationship?
- Spend special time in a different place.
- Watching a new movie or TV show together.
- Cook a meal together.
- Role-playing as other people.

What's the greatest thing about zodiac signs?
- The great advice.
- An insight into the future.
- Zodiac has helped me in numerous ways!
- I think it’s fun.
- I don’t know much about it…but I’m intrigued!

Pick a wedding aesthetic:

Pick a wedding gown:

Pick a color theme for your wedding:

Are you unconventional?
- Yes.
- No
- A little
- …I’m not sure

What's the best quality in a wifey?
- Patience
- Communication
- Humor
- Easy goingness

Where do you see your partner and yourself living?
- A commune
- A big mansion
- An apartment in the city
- A shack by the sea
- The suburbs
- A farm

What do you think about couples with joint social media accounts?
- I think it shows unity
- It’s super strange
- I didn’t know people did that…
- It’s awesome!

What makes you nervous?
- Messes/disorgnization
- New places
- Authority figures
- Money

Who in your life always stresses you out?
- My mom or dad
- A coworker
- My siblings

Do you plan on being a wifey AND mommy?
- Yes!
- Maybe
- No
- I already am
- Hmmm…I might be a pet mom.

How important is your future (or current!) partner's credit score?
- Very
- Eh, not that important
- Somewhat important
- Not important

What are you obsessed with these days?
- Animal Crossing
- Netflix
- Plant-based recipes
- None of the above

Your partner is snoring a lot lately. What do you do?
- Sleep on the couch
- Ask them to sleep on the couch
- Nudge them until they turn over
- Hit them with a pillow
- Groan really loud until they wake up and ask what’s wrong
- None of the above

What do you think now that would be insane to you 20 years ago?
- Some vegetables are actually pretty good
- Beards are actually attractive on men
- Maybe my parents did what the best for me
- Beer isn’t even that bad
- None of the above

Pick a sunset/sunrise:

Would you befriend someone that looks uncomfortable?
- Yes
- Maybe
- No
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