What Natural Disaster Are You Like When You’re Angry?
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Everyone gets angry, but there’s no denying that different people get angry in different ways. You’ve heard the expression “erupt in anger,” and that makes us wonder — if your anger can be like a volcano, what other natural disasters could it possibly be? Let’s find out!Once you answer aShow More
Everyone gets angry, but there’s no denying that different people get angry in different ways. You’ve heard the expression “erupt in anger,” and that makes us wonder — if your anger can be like a volcano, what other natural disasters could it possibly be? Let’s find out!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

How often do you get angry?
- Me? Never — I’m just not an angry person.
- If you push me hard enough, I’ll get angry.
- I get angry sometimes, I guess, but not too often.
- What kind of stupid question is this, huh? That’s none of your business.
- I can get pretty angry, but it’s okay, I don’t explode or anything.

You’ve been in line at the bank for what feels like forever, and a little kid is running around with a chocolate bar in his hand — which he then smears all over you. What do you do?
- I laugh it off — it’s not like I can’t get chocolate stains out of my clothes.
- I yell at his mother to get her kid under control!
- I keep my mouth shut, but I totally slam the car door when I leave.
- I push the kid off me — gross!
- I tell the kid’s mom to please remove her child and get him to wipe off.

How do you like to spend your free time?
- Reading quietly, by myself.
- Marathoning my favorite TV show on Netflix.
- Working out at the gym.
- Hanging out with friends.
- Cuddling with my partner.

When you’re upset, do you tell people, or keep it to yourself?
- Of course I tell people! I tell everyone I know!
- I dunno, I guess it depends on why I’m angry.
- No, I don’t tell anyone.
- I’ll tell people, but I don’t get pissed at everyone.
- I tell one or two of my closest friends.

You can choose an adorable little animal to help you calm down. Which would you like?

You went out of your way to carpool with a coworker, and they’re taking FOREVER to get ready — now you’re going to be late for work. How do you react?
- I tell them off! Don’t they care about the fact that we’re going to be late?!
- I’m upset, but I don’t say anything — it’s not going to make us get to work any faster.
- I’m pretty annoyed, so I drive fast to make up for lost time.
- I’m mad, and rightfully so! I’ll talk to them and make sure it doesn’t happen again.
- I explain what happened to my boss, but that’s the last time they’re getting a ride from me.

What element do you feel most connected to?

Be honest: do you hold grudges?
- Maybe. Sometimes.
- Not really, but I could if I wanted to.
- Yeah, what of it?
- Um, I don’t know?
- Nah. I don’t like to hold on to negative energy.

Your partner just lied right to your face. How do you react?
- Eh, it depends on the lie — if it’s little, it’s not worth reacting to.
- I absolutely LOSE IT. How DARE they?!
- I don’t want to make waves, so I just push down my feelings until I can’t take it anymore.
- I’ll get mad pretty quickly, but I get over myself right away.
- I don’t say anything…for now.

Have you ever hit someone?
- Only because they REALLY deserved it.
- Yeah. If someone is in my way, I’ve got to do what it takes.
- Yeah, what’s it to you? You cruising for a bruising?
- No, of course not!
- Yes, but I regretted it instantly — I just couldn’t control myself!

You’re out with your friends, when one of them gets drunk and starts badmouthing you. How do you react?
- I just shrug it off — they’re drunk.
- Make a snide remark right back.
- I put that jerk in their place!
- I don’t say anything, but I’m definitely annoyed.
- I try not to cry, and leave.

If you were given the opportunity to live anywhere in the world, where would you live?
- Gold Coast, Australia
- Bordeaux, France
- Reykjavik, Iceland
- Beijing, China
- Casablanca, Morocco

When you’re pissed off, do you always remember why you’re mad?
- I never forget. Ever.
- No, because I do something about it before I forget!
- It depends — if it wasn’t a big deal, I let it go.
- I alway forget why I’m angry.
- Yes, after a quick outburst.
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