Find Out Your Moral Alignment By Picking Some Cat Pictures

Cats are brilliant. Don’t question it, it’s just the facts. But we have gone one step further and found some psychic cats that can peer all the way into your soul and determine your moral alignment. Are you a rule follower who never puts a toe out of line, or are you a force of chaos doing things yoShow More

Cats are brilliant. Don’t question it, it’s just the facts. But we have gone one step further and found some psychic cats that can peer all the way into your soul and determine your moral alignment. Are you a rule follower who never puts a toe out of line, or are you a force of chaos doing things your own way no matter what the rules are?

And perhaps even more important are you a truly good soul who will prioritize the needs and wants of other people, or are you just a touch evil and willing to do what it takes to make yourself happy and achieve your goals.

Don’t worry, it’s an easy test. Just look at some sweet, sweet cat pictures, and don’t think about the fact that they might reveal you’re completely evil. The cats will reveal the truth in time, and you will simply have to face the facts about your own morality.

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The internet is a place of many cats. Pick one.

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