Can We Guess Which Element You’re Most Like?
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We all have an affinity with some parts of nature. Find out which element fits you!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, Show More
We all have an affinity with some parts of nature. Find out which element fits you!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

You’re coming up on your one year anniversary with your significant other. How do you plan to celebrate?
- Make a HUGE deal out of it. Big gift, fancy dinner, the works.
- Have a quiet night in with my honey. I prefer intimacy to fireworks.
- Do something a little crazy, but super fun, like cliff jumping or an intense roller coaster.
- I’ll spend a long time figuring out what my sweetie would enjoy the most and hand create it.

Would you travel abroad alone?
- No way! That sounds like a recipe for disaster.
- Sure. Other people aren’t always up for the adventures I’m interested in!
- It sounds way more fun to have other people around to share the experience.
- If I was going for a specific reason.

Your friend makes plans with you, but cancels at the last minute. What do you do?
- I’d get really frustrated! That’s pretty rude.
- Go anyway. Having a good time without them is the best revenge!
- Call my other friends and set up a different plan, but make sure we set up another time to hang out.
- There were a few other things I was interested in doing anyway, so I’ll check out one of my alternatives. I’ll make sure to check up on my friend the next day though.

You’re driving and someone cuts you off. How do you react?
- Swear, and promptly give them the finger.
- Adjust to make sure no one gets hit, and keep driving. No reason to get upset!
- Switch lanes, and try to get away from the person.
- Laugh at how incompetent they are.

What sounds like the most fun to you?

What’s your best quality?
- Dependable
- Fun
- Passionate
- Caring

What animal do you identify most with?

You’re walking in the woods and you come across a stranger. They ask if they can walk with you for a ways. What do you do?
- Sure! I’m always up for some company.
- I really prefer my solitude, so this makes me pretty uncomfortable.
- I’m probably the one asking.
- I get suspicious. Why would someone ask this?

How well do you deal with change?
- I love it! I can’t stand doing the same thing over and over so I’m always looking for new places and people.
- I’m pretty flexible, but I like my changes to be positive.
- I’m fairly average about change. I don’t love it, but I can handle it.
- I do not like change. Once I get used to a routine I feel very comfortable with it staying the same.

Where do you feel most at home?

Which Hogwarts house would you be in?
- Gryffindor
- Slytherin
- Hufflepuff
- Ravenclaw

You win a plane ticket to go anywhere in the world...tomorrow! What do you do?
- Panic! How am I supposed to get everything ready by tomorrow?
- Grab my closest friend and go somewhere fun like the Bahamas!
- Pick an exotic destination and go exploring through a safari or the jungle.

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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