What’s Your Perfect AIM Away Message?
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We all long for a simpler time, when the internet was only used for checking your email and imming strangers asking for their A/S/L. Let’s go back to the golden days of Instant Messenger. Find out what your perfect AIM away message is!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results frShow More
We all long for a simpler time, when the internet was only used for checking your email and imming strangers asking for their A/S/L. Let’s go back to the golden days of Instant Messenger. Find out what your perfect AIM away message is!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

Did you frequent AIM chat rooms or did you only IM your friends?
- I only talked to my real friends. No internet randos, thanks.
- I loved messing around in chat rooms. It was hilarious.

What was playing on your first-gen iPod?
- Fall Out Boy
- Nelly
- Hilary Duff
- Usher
- Pink
- Outkast
- Something else way cooler

Which screen saver was on your computer?

Choose an early 2000s movie to rewatch.
- Final Destination
- Bring It On
- Donnie Darko
- Scary Movie
- Mean Girls
- Napoleon Dynamite

Which social network do you miss the most?
- Livejournal
- Myspace
- Friendster
- Xanga
- Stickam
- Purevolume

Which early 2000s fashion trend were you guilty of wearing while you were on AIM?
Blinged out bandanas
Ed Hardy anything
Juicy tracksuits
Trucker hats

How often did you update your AIM profile?
- I changed the color, font, and message daily.
- I never really changed it much.

Which viral video did you watch over and over again?
- “Shoes”
- “Badgers, Badgers, Badgers”
- “Leave Britney Alone!”
- “Charlie the Unicorn”
- “Here It Goes Again”
- “Star Wars Kid”

Which screen name is closest to the one you had?
- Soccerchick16
- XxscreamoxX
- PrincessKatie91
- MustangGuy34
- Hardxcore4lyfe
- Chillbabe14

What did your first cell phone look like?

Did you ever chat with SmarterChild?
- No, SmarterChild was so lame.
- Yes, I messed with SmarterChild all of the time.

Which superlative did you receive in high school?
- Most Likely To Succeed
- Best Hair
- Class Clown
- Most Likely To Be Arrested
- Best Eyes
- Most School Spirit
- I didn’t receive a superlative.

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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