What Would Your Secret Agent Name Be?
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Have you ever sat down and wondered what your life would be like if you were a spy? Don’t lie! We all know you have thought about! Do you have any cool spy names in mind? Are you thinking of taking on a life of secrecy and espionage? Begin your journey into the world of double agents by finding out Show More
Have you ever sat down and wondered what your life would be like if you were a spy? Don’t lie! We all know you have thought about! Do you have any cool spy names in mind? Are you thinking of taking on a life of secrecy and espionage? Begin your journey into the world of double agents by finding out your official spy name after you take this top-secret, super official quiz. Yup, you read that right! We here at MagiQuiz have created a formula that will give you the perfect spy name that completely matches your personality. You are one with the name! Are you excited to find out what your spy name is?
And Agent? Don’t forget to burn your computer after reading your results… We sure wouldn’t want anyone finding out what your name is. Don’t want to compromise your super secret mission.

You don't remember much from the brainwashing at the academy...but you do remember being shown this film over and over again...
- Despicable Me
- The Pink Panther
- Austin Powers
- Die Another Day

Why did you become a spy in the first place?
- For the espionage
- For the money
- For the punching
- For the prestige

Aside from the routine brainwashing, you remember this class fondly as your favorite subject area at the Academy for Spies.
Changing in phonebooths
Hand to face combat
Posing with handgun
Cooking on the run

What's your cover story?
- Shy nerd
- Suburban life
- Just a bad mutha
- Forged identities

What kind of weapon are you most likely to carry during a mission?

How would you defuse a bomb?
- I don’t do bombs
- In five seconds
- Down to the wire
- It’s my bomb design

How do you look forward to being rewarded for your services when you retire?
- My very own private vineyard
- ALL the shiny cars
- Professorship at Oxford
- An impenetrable fortress — I’m gonna need it!

What is your current kill count?
- A baker’s dozen, I’d say
- I lost count a long time ago; let’s say over 100, conservatively
- Confirmed? Fifty six

Your nightmares are getting worse...and you're haunted by the night time alleys of...

How do you like your martini?
- Strong and neat
- Strong and dirty
- With a twist
- Shaken, not stirred

Do you have any regrets from your work in the field?
- Missing out on love and true relationships
- Not pursuing that Brazilian spy in Rio de Janeiro
- Perhaps that one incident with the Monarchy…
- No regrets!

What other languages do you speak?
- German
- French
- Russian
- Polish
- Spanish

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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