Which “Avenger” Is Your Soulmate?
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The Avengers is a group chock-full of human beings most of us have fallen in love with. Which one should you end up with?Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you oShow More
The Avengers is a group chock-full of human beings most of us have fallen in love with. Which one should you end up with?Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

Is confidence attractive?
- Yes! I really like someone who does not try to downplay their own abilities.
- No, I like someone who is humble.
- I don’t like someone who puts themself down, but confidence can quickly turn into arrogance. It’s a delicate balance.
- I find a little bit of blustering pride quite adorable.
- I prefer to take the time to unearth the secret things that someone is proud of, rather than having all of them right out in the open.

Do you like to have one on one dates, or do you prefer going out with a group?
- I really like intimate conversation and one on one time.
- I generally prefer to be alone with my boo, but there are times I like to be with friends too.
- I’m a traditional person: I like my dates to be very clearly dates. Sometimes that can be a double date, but I don’t want to just “go out” with friends.
- I like to go to big parties as a date.
- The more the merrier!

Pick the most important characteristic you can have in a partner.
- Talent
- Depth
- Fun/gregariousness
- Kindness
- Commitment

Do you need to get to know someone quickly, or are you willing to put in a lot of work to find the "real" person?
- I can usually tell very quickly if I click with someone. I don’t want to have to work to start a relationship.
- I usually prefer to be around someone I can get to know fairly easily, but I know there’s more than meets the eye to most people. I’m willing to stick around and find out.
- I like people who are straightforward: what you see is what you get. I don’t want to have to work to understand them.
- I prefer the kinds of people who don’t open up to just anyone. I love the process of peeling back the layers and seeing who they are underneath.
- I’m not the kind of person who wants to know all the information to start. I like to have boundaries early in a relationship, and learn about someone’s deeper parts later on.

You go out on a fantastic date, and at the end of it your partner pulls out a very special looking box. Describe the perfect date to lead up to your proposal.
- It’s something extravagant, but incredibly personal. I like over the top romance, like a Broadway show bought out just for us.
- It would be something very intimate and personal. We would probably spend the evening drinking wine and talking, maybe even not going out anywhere. The important part is the two of us.
- I want a classic, romantic proposal. A beautiful dinner, a red rose, a diamond ring.
- It would be something adventurous like sky diving!
- I would want something huge and public with all my family and friends.

Do you spend a lot of time thinking about your values?
- Not really. I know what’s right, and I do it.
- I have very deeply held values, and I consider how my actions fit with them fairly often, but I rarely question or have to think about the role they play in my life.
- I think a fair amount thinking about my values, although I spend a lot of time with people who don’t share them.
- I love to discuss ethics and delve deeply into why I believe the things I do.
- I feel a lot of guilt about the times in the past that I have not lived up to my values. I spend a great deal of time thinking about that and working to make up for it.

You happen upon your partner crying. How do you respond?
- I talk to them a bit to figure out what’s wrong, and then I take them out to distract them.
- I sit with them and we have a beer together.
- I don’t push too hard about what’s going on, but I let them know I will listen.
- I give them a lot of physical comfort: hugs and cuddles. I let them share what they need to in their own time.
- We talk through everything in great depth.

Do you want to be the most important thing in your partner's life?
- I understand that it’s good to have a balance. I want to be with someone who has outside interests and values that they love.
- Unquestionably. I like to feel special, particularly to someone who doesn’t seem to be close to many people.
- I’d like to be with someone who has strong emotional attachments to a lot of people.
- I’d need to be in the top 3, but I definitely prefer to be with someone who has serious responsibilities that are important to them.
- I want to occupy a very special place in someone’s life. I understand that everyone has a past, including obligations and responsibilities, but I want to move past that.

Do you like to spend a lot of time talking about emotions?
- I need it to be ok.
- I like it only when I’m with someone I trust a great deal.
- No, I find that there’s no reason to talk through emotions when you know someone very well.
- I talk about them when I need to.
- I hang out with a lot of people who don’t talk about emotions much, but I like to cut through all of that and speak directly about them.

How good are you at giving emotional advice?
- Not to brag, but I’m pretty good at it. I’ve been very close to a number of people with mental illness or difficult pasts, and they’ve found me helpful.
- Great at giving, not always great at following.
- I don’t really give it very often.
- Sometimes I rely on cliches or truisms, but there’s a reason they’re classic.
- I’m fairly good at it, especially with people who aren’t always receptive to advice.

Are you ok with people knowing about your personal life?
- It doesn’t really bother me.
- I’m ok with having a public persona that people are familiar with, but I prefer to have some details private.
- I share everything with everyone!
- I understand that there’s some things that people will know about me, but I try to keep that stuff to a minimum.
- I am incredibly private and prefer for no one to have information about me that I did not volunteer.

What do you consider the best quality you bring to a relationship?
- Patience.
- Empathy.
- Fun!
- Intelligence.
- Balance.

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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