Find Out The Perfect Boy’s Name Based on Your Personality
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Ahhhhh baby names. Love yours or hate it, we’re all stuck with what we’re given. Whether you’re named after a dead relative, a celebrity, or perhaps a piece of fruit, we don’t get a lot of say when it comes to our names unless we decide to go the legal route.
The truth is, a name can say a lot abShow More
Ahhhhh baby names. Love yours or hate it, we’re all stuck with what we’re given. Whether you’re named after a dead relative, a celebrity, or perhaps a piece of fruit, we don’t get a lot of say when it comes to our names unless we decide to go the legal route.
The truth is, a name can say a lot about who you are. Are you an introvert or an extrovert? Colorful or a bit more subtle? So often your name becomes a part of your personality. Someone can look at you and say, “yeah, you look like a Honey Boo Boo” or, you know, whatever your name is.
So let’s use this to find out what your name would be if you were a boy! (Also, boys, if you’re reading, maybe your parents got it wrong and you need a new one. Let us guide you to the light.) Answer a couple easy questions and let all your friends on Facebook know what they’ll have to start calling you from now on.

Do you play any sports?
- Yes, I played all kinds of sports in high school and now I stay pretty active around the house.
- I played football in school and now I lift.
- I’m more into books than sports.
- I play golf.
- I’ve tried out sports, but I didn’t like how rule bound they were.

What is your pet peeve?
- People who spend too much time looking at their phone instead of at other people.
- People who can’t stop asking questions or leave well enough alone.
- When people accept things at face value without thinking.
- When I have to act like other people or follow rules.
- Classlessness or people being crass.

What is your favorite type of book?
- Horror
- Philosophy
- The classics
- I don’t read much
- Fantasy and sci fi

When you come home from work, what's the first thing you do?
- Pour myself a glass of wine.
- Read a book or catch up on the news.
- Catch up on around the house work.
- Eat dinner.
- Something creative to unwind.

Do you like traditions?
- I typically like traditions unless they’re getting in the way of progress.
- Without tradition, I think society would fall apart. People change things that are working too often.
- I hate traditions. They stifle creativity and make me do things I don’t want to do simply because we’ve done them in the past.
- Traditions provide a sense of normalcy, which I like.
- I’m interested in the concept of traditions and why people like them, but they don’t hold much significance to me.

Are you artistic or do you like to craft or create?
- I like to build things, but I’m not really interested in art.
- I’m fairly handy, but not much of a creator.
- I love arts and crafts! Anything creative is perfect for me.
- I’m less of a hands-on than minds on kind of a person. I like to write and read and think.
- I can appreciate good art, but I’m not much of an artist myself.

What do you view as success?
- Power and influence.
- Everyone knowing my name and my work.
- Being self sufficient.
- The American dream: having a family, a house, and a stable job.
- Intelligence and understanding.

You're getting older, and naturally put on a few pounds. How do you react?
- It doesn’t bother me. I’ve never paid much attention to my body.
- I hit the gym. I don’t want my spouse to feel embarrassed.
- I just pick up a few more projects around the house. I’m pretty active already, so as long as I stay strong I feel ok.
- I immediately go on a diet.
- Who cares? It doesn’t change who I am.

If you're feeling rebellious, what do you do?
- I go boxing or find another way to let out my aggression.
- I’ve never felt a need to be rebellious. I like things the way they are.
- I question everything.
- I’ve never had a time when I act the way people expect, so rebellion is normal. I do what feels right to me.
- I try to change the system with influence and diplomacy.

What's the most embarrassing thing you've ever worn?
- Fannypack
- Sandals with socks
- Jorts
- A shirt with ruffles
- Combat boots

Do you like having a lot of structure to your day?
- I love routines! I like to know what to expect.
- I like having certain set routines, especially having regular time set aside to process my day.
- I never like to do the same thing twice. I prefer spontaneity.
- I like certain rituals or traditions, but within my role I like some flexibility.
- I have too many things to do to have too much set in stone, but I do find that having some certainties helps with productivity.

How punctual are you?
- Very punctual. I HATE being late.
- Somewhat punctual. It depends on the day.
- Not punctual at all. I’m CONSTANTLY running late.

How big of a gossip are you?
- I don’t gossip. I only care about my own life.
- I do sometimes, but only about the really juicy stuff…
- I gossip ALL the TIME! Don’t tell me your secrets!

Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
- 100% introvert. I’d rather be alone than at a huge party.
- TOTAL introvert. I love being around people!

What type of food is your favorite?
- Chinese food
- Mexican
- Sushi
- Pizza
- Burgers

Are you a good cook?
- Yes! I could go pro!
- I’m pretty good, not great.
- I’m AWFUL. I could burn water.

What degree do you have?
- High school diploma
- Associate’s degree
- Bachelor’s degree
- PhD

How do you feel about camping?
- I love it! It makes me feel in touch with nature.
- It’s okay, but I prefer an RV to a tent.
- If by “camping” you mean sleeping in a sleeping bag in my living room then yes, I love camping!
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