Which Cartoon Family Would You Fit In With Best?
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Family: you can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them. Sometimes you want to escape your own, so you turn on the TV and tune them out.
But when it comes to families on TV — specifically those of the cartoon variety — where would you fit in?Once you answer all the questions, youShow More
Family: you can’t live with them, and you can’t live without them. Sometimes you want to escape your own, so you turn on the TV and tune them out.
But when it comes to families on TV — specifically those of the cartoon variety — where would you fit in?Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

You think cartoons are for:
- Kids only.
- Adults only.
- Both kids and adults.
- Is there a difference?

What snack do you like to have when watching TV?
Donuts: They’re basically the circle of life.
Caviar and canapés: Pinkies up!
Steak: You’re ready to meat your maker.
Basically anything crunchy. And salty. And, well, edible.

What did you want to be when you grew up?
- An astronaut — you can literally escape people by leaving the planet.
- Anything that would provide you with some free food at least once a week.
- A stand-up comic, so you can say sarcastic things as “part of your act.”
- A teacher, because you would totally get summers off.

If you lost your phone, you would:
- Take a deep breath and head back to the store to pick up a new one.
- Shrug and be glad that no one can call you right now.
- Blame a bunch of people before finding it in the couch cushion.

Which celebrity would you most like to be friends with?
Amy Schumer
Shaquille O'Neal
Taylor Swift
Jon Stewart

What is your spirit animal?
- A talkative parrot. .
- A sloth that’s been shot with a tranquilizer dart.
- A designer dog.
- You mean, which one do I want to eat?

Your family reunion would most likely be held at:
- A bar.
- A 4-star restaurant.
- The backyard of that uncle that wanders around with a metal detector.
- People actually have those?

Is it ever okay to not return the grocery cart to the cart corral?
- No. Those people should be forced to listen to Gilbert Gottfried sing Michael Bolton songs for hours on end.
- Yes. Sometimes it’s like, 10 feet away from my car.

If your favorite TV show was cancelled, you would:
- Take to social media and whine about it incessantly.
- Meh. You don’t watch that much TV anyway.
- Cry, and then feed your feelings.
- Quickly find a new one to get addicted to.

You would be most insulted if someone called you:

When do you normally wake up?
- Bright and early at 6 a.m.! The early bird gets the worm!
- Yeah, but the early worm gets screwed, so around 9 a.m.
- You mean in the morning or after one of my naps?

Pick your favorite "Anchorman" quote:
- “I don’t know how to put this but I’m kind of a big deal. People know me. I’m very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartment smells of rich mahogany.”
- “You are a smelly pirate hooker. Why don’t you go back to your home on Whore Island?”
- “I’m in a glass case of emotion!”
- “I’m gonna punch you in the ovary, that’s what I’m gonna do. A straight shot. Right to the babymaker.”

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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