If You Think You Can Hide Which Anime Couple You and Your S.O. Are Like, Think Again
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Everyone loves anime for its bright colors, lightning fast action, and unique art style, but if you’re anything like us, there’s another reason you watch: SHIPS! For those of you who aren’t as obsessed as we are, “ships” is just the shorthand way of saying “relationships.” Some people Show More
Everyone loves anime for its bright colors, lightning fast action, and unique art style, but if you’re anything like us, there’s another reason you watch: SHIPS! For those of you who aren’t as obsessed as we are, “ships” is just the shorthand way of saying “relationships.” Some people follow celebrities, we follow NaruXHina…okay and secretly celebs as well. Here’s looking at you Kristen and Dax. We’re starting to think we just love “love” ya know? Hey, speaking of which, you’re totally in a relationship, aren’t you? Yup, we can smell the love in the air, like a sweet peach cobbler. We think you’re becoming our newest obsession *heart eyes* QUICK answer these questions! Even if you aren’t in a relationship, imagine you are, and it’s with the darlilng of your dreams! We’re gonna be your nosy, Southern grammaw, and in return for putting up with this ruthless string of questions, we’ll tell you which cute anime couple you and your significant other are most like! Don’t worry, we’ll keep the pairings canon so you can easily check how accurate we are. (hint: we’re very accurate).

Where did y'all meet?
- We’ve known each other since basically grade school. Maybe earlier.
- We met in high school.
- We met after working on a project together.
- We met through mutual friends.
- We met at work.
- Our parents knew each other so we’d hang out when they hung out sometimes.

How did y'all end up as a couple?
- One of us helped the other through a dark and scary time
- I don’t know, it just seemed like fate, ya know? Kinda like we already knew each other.
- The more we worked together the more our for one another became something more.
- Idk man, one of us was yelling then the other was yelling and before we knew it we were makin’ out.
- One of us asked the other and that was that.
- Hmm just kinda naturally I guess? We didn’t need words to tell us we were a thing.

What's something you love about your significant other?
- Their strong independence, but ability to care for others.
- Their willingness to be open and honest about their emotions.
- Their tenacity and dedication.
- Their take no ? outlook
- Do I really only get to pick one?
- Their ability to know what I feel or think even when I don’t want to talk about it.

So we know you’re in love, but what’s something you aren’t particularly fond of about your significant other?
- They can be a little cold and distant at times.
- They’re kind of hot tempered
- I wish they believed in themselves more.
- I wish they weren’t so reckless.
- They’re always right (and I mean that literally).
- I wish they didn’t take everything so personally.

Where do you think is the perfect place to take a vacation you would both enjoy?
- A traditional tour of Japan.
- Somewhere with a theme park and lots of good eats.
- A historic art tour of a lovely city like Paris.
- Somewhere with a spa and plenty of recreational facilities.
- It doesn’t really matter as long as we’re together.
- Definitely Comic-Con.

What's your idea of a perfect date?
- Something low key and sophisticated.
- Somewhere I can leave my responsibilities and cares behind.
- A live show. Particularly a musical or concert.
- Something that gets the adrenaline pumping.
- Any place where there’s beauty all around us.
- A high octane escape room or maybe murder theater.

Who tends to plan the majority of the dates?
We don't really do dates
It's about equal.

If you two had a huge fight, how might your partner try to make it up to you?
- Sneaking up behind me and giving me a loving hug.
- By pouting and apologizing. They genuinely mean it, they’re just kind of embarrassed and shy.
- By taking me to my favorite place for food and making sure I’m okay.
- Honestly, they’d probably aggressively apologize, and I’d tell them to cut the crap. THEN they’d finally do it right.
- They would immediately apologize, and we would move on. No big deal.
- They’d give me space to deal with my emotions; then ask what they could do to make sure it doesn’t happen again.

Now flip it! How might YOU try to apologize after a fight?
- I’d give them their space. They don’t really like apologies, but they would feel my remorse and forgive me when they’re ready.
- I’d cook them something nice or buy their favorite snack.
- I would apologize and actively show them I’m working to be better.
- Honestly, I’d probably feel so bad we had a fight I’d just start bawling. Then we’d both feel awful and make up…ya know…make. Up.
- Hmm, I’m not really sure. I just don’t feel like we fight in such a way that would require elaborate apologies.
- I’d probably over apologize and try to make everything my fault honestly. I tend to do that.

Where is your significant other from?
- Same town. We’ve actually known each other since childhood.
- Same place actually, but we didn’t actually meet until recently.
- They’re from a whole other country. (Cool right?)
- Sometimes I swear they’re from another planet!
- I’m actually not all that sure. It hasn’t ever come up.
- Different state. Work/school/etc. brought us together.

Which of these animals is your S.O. most like?
Water Beauty
Spotted Big Boy

How might you impress your date's parents?
- Unfortunately, their parents aren’t around anymore.
- I’d bring a special variety of teas and snacks.
- Just be my regular, charming self.
- I would wow them in the kitchen.
- I would perform, musically, for them.
- They don’t really get along with their parents so…

Do you guys plan to have children?
- Why do you care? Mind your own business.
- I mean probably eventually? I don’t see it in the immediate future though.
- Hmm…maybe. We’d probably just adopt though.
- No. Thank. You.
- Ya know, I never really thought about it. Maybe? Whatever happens happens though. Not really a plan.
- Absolutely. I think we’d be awesome parents.

Which of these animals is most like you?
GettyHowly Boi
Danger Noodle
GettyGemini Familiar

Which of these foods is most like you?
Steak and Potates
A perfect fruit salad
A tasty pork cutlet bowl
Good ol' hot pot.
GettyA robust tea and perhaps a pastry
GettyA bag o' chips

You're hiking and suddenly realize you're lost. How do you get back on track?
- Follow my S.O. Navigating the wilds is kind of their thing.
- My S.O. has this uncanny sense of smell, I’d ask them in which direction they smell burgers.
- Panic for a bit tbh. My S.O. will hafta help me calm down, but then I’d logically back track until we got our bearings.
- Get to higher ground so we can scope out the scene.
- We don’t get lost.
- Keeep going. The wrong way becomes a right way eventually right?

You just realized you need to cancel plans because, well, you just don't want to go tbh. How might y'all do it?
- I’d come up with an elaborate lie only for my S.O. to bluntly tell the truth. They no tact. Or maybe they just don’t give a ?
- Cancel? Pff, they’ll know when we don’t show up ?♂️?♀️
- Call and apologize for flaking, but let them know today’s just not the best day for us.
- We’d go and one us would probably grumble and complain we left early.
- We’d go anyways. An obligation is an obligation. Laziness is no excuse.
- Lie. Like, literally lie so much we believe our own lie. I could be lying right now.

If your lover was in a circus, what would be their act be?
- Fire Spitter
- Audience member. Baby don’t do performance theater.
- A limber acrobat.
- The worlds strongest man.
- The beautiful MC
- The animal tamer.
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