Which “Glee” Character Are You?
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“Glee” is, at heart, a story about people. Which Gleek are you?Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questionsShow More
“Glee” is, at heart, a story about people. Which Gleek are you?Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

Do you know what you want in life?
- I’ve known what I want to do since I was 2.
- I grew up thinking I knew which direction my life would go, but now I’m just not sure.
- I don’t really think beyond right…now.
- I know what my family wants for me, but I’m not sure what I want.
- I’m not sure what I DO want, but I know I don’t want to stay where I am.

Do other people know the real you?
- No one really knows me.
- Some people do, but I play it close to the vest. People can be cruel.
- I don’t think that I lie or hide things, but I’m also not super forthcoming with my feelings, so not too many people really know me.
- It sounds like way too much work to hide things from other people.
- Yes. What you see is what you get.

Were you popular in high school?
- Very much so.
- I was popular for most of high school, although at some point I started hanging out with less popular kids.
- I was definitely friends with the popular kids, but I was hardly a queen bee or ringleader.
- I was not a loser, but I was definitely not popular. I got bullied some.
- I was probably the lowest on the high school totem pole.

You're preparing for a big competition and can't quite get your song right. What do you do?
- Talk to my best friend to deal with the emotions.
- I work out to let out my feelings.
- I practice. And practice more. I will not rest until it’s perfect.
- I don’t worry about it.
- I find a buddy to practice with.

Are you more likely to manipulate someone or be manipulated by someone?
- I really don’t feel capable of manipulating others, and people say that I”m naive…I think I get manipulated a lot.
- I’m too straightforward to play manipulative games. I’m more likely to be manipulated.
- I try to stay as neutral as possible, but I’d say both have happened to me.
- I don’t usually mean to, but I manipulate people kind of a lot.
- I will do whatever it takes to stay on top, so I’m definitely more likely to manipulate.

What is the insult people are most likely to call you?
- B****
- Stupid
- Freak
- Gay
- Loser

Do you feel like an outsider?
- Most places I feel like an outsider, but there’s one place or group that feels like mine.
- No, I make friends almost everywhere I go.
- Sometimes I feel like people just keep me around for appearances.
- I try too hard to fit into the expectations of others to be an outsider, but there are times that it feels lonely to always be living up to other people’s expectations.
- I almost always feel like an outsider.

Two of your friends are in a fight. What do you do?
- I come up with an elaborate plan to make them like each other again.
- I try to stay out of it, but eventually snap and yell at both of them to stop.
- I talk to both of them to try to get them to make up.
- I have a strong opinion on which is right, and side with them.
- It makes me very anxious and I shut down a little. I don’t get involved.

Do you consider yourself fashionable?
- I don’t “consider” myself fashionable. I just am.
- I know how to dress myself.
- I’m pretty average. I don’t look slobby, but I’m not into fashion.
- I have an odd style that most people would not consider fashionable.
- I am the kind of person who is mocked for their clothing.

On a scale of 1-5, how honest are you?
- 5: I cannot tell a lie.
- 4: I only lie when it’s absolutely necessary to protect someone.
- 3: I try to be honest, but not everyone needs to know things.
- 2: I’ll lie if it pushes me towards my goals.
- 1: I am not honest at all.

What is your love life like?
- I’m in pretty high demand, but I don’t always feel like I know what I’m doing.
- I know who I am supposed to be with and although there have been hiccups I’ll fight to be with them.
- It got a lot less exciting after I had a kid.
- It took a long time for my love life to get started, but it’s been pretty good since then.
- It’s pretty active, but there’s really only one person that I truly want to be with.

You win sectionals! How do you feel?
- This is exactly what was supposed to happen.
- I’m proud, but not entirely certain how we got here.
- It feels good to win, but I am still not sure I want to be winning with these people.
- I deserved a bigger solo.
- This is fun!

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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