Which Classic Internet Meme is YOUR Secret Spirit Animal?
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Internet memes can say a lot about us. Which one protects you from Internet danger?Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, Show More
Internet memes can say a lot about us. Which one protects you from Internet danger?Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

What emotion would people say embodies you the most?
- Excitement
- Unhappiness
- Rage
- Curiosity
- Pride

Half full or half empty?
- Half full
- Half empty
- All the way full. There are molecules in every part of it.
- I don’t think we should have water. It’s dangerous.

You see something you disagree with on the Internet. What do you do?
- Trolllllll.
- Thoughtfully interact with it by asking questions.
- Use calm and clear logic to convince them I’m right.
- Ignore it and go look at puppies.
- Ignore it but have the rest of my day spoiled.

Which Harry Potter house do you belong in?

Pick an animal.

What makes you laugh?
- When other people are annoyed.
- A good solid pun.
- Most things.
- A nerdy joke.
- Nothing.

You've had an awful day and you need to decompress. What do you do?
- Look at cute things, hang out with my dog, and try to focus on the positive.
- Distract myself with a book or something thoughtful.
- I make someone else miserable. Better not to be alone.
- My partner probably does something to cheer me up.
- Nothing. Life is misery.

How emotional are you on a scale from 1-5?
- 1: I’d say I’m not emotional at all.
- 2: I feel emotions when appropriate, but I almost never overreact.
- 3: I’m always at a low level of emotions.
- 4: I like to act as if I’m not emotional, but I’m really driven by my feelings most of the time.

How do you feel if you see someone else frustrated or upset?
- I just want to make them feel better!
- It only makes sense. The world is awful.
- Funny.
- I want to know why.
- I’m glad it’s not me.

Someone tells you that 50% of Americans cheat on their taxes. Do you believe them?
- No, I’d need to see some data first.
- No, but I definitely post it on my Facebook anyway to see how many people believe me.
- Yes. People are that awful.
- No way! People wouldn’t be that bad.
- I mean I’ve cheated on my taxes and nothing has ever happened…

How would you describe your political beliefs?
- VERY Liberal.
- Fairly liberal.
- Libertarian.
- Conservative.
- Nihilist.

What is your favorite social media site?
- Reddit.
- Tumblr.
- LinkedIn.
- Facebook.
- Twitter.

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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