What Kind of Pokémon Are You According to Your Birthday?
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Have you ever wondered whatPokémon you are based on your birthday? We obviously have, which is why we are here to fill you in on your Pokémon kindred spirit. There are a lot of Pokémon. They are each totally different in personality and looks, but they do have one thing in common: They are allShow More
Have you ever wondered whatPokĂ©mon you are based on your birthday? We obviously have, which is why we are here to fill you in on your PokĂ©mon kindred spirit. There are a lot of PokĂ©mon. They are each totally different in personality and looks, but they do have one thing in common: They are all super cute. There is probably one PokĂ©mon that matches your personality better than the rest, but you will have to take this quiz to find out. You see, birthdays say a lot about people. We can tell from a few questions about when you were born and a few more questions about your personality and your PokĂ©mon-playing habits exactly which PokĂ©mon most closely resembles you in personality. Maybe you’re Pikachu, the small and adorable. Maybe you’re more like Charizard, confident and fierce.
There’s only one way to find out which PokĂ©mon you are most like. Take the quiz right now!

You're just starting your journey, and the professor offers three Pokémon for you and your friends to pick from. Who picks first?
- Me, me, me!
- I’ll let my friends go first, because I’m such a nice person
- They can go first, I’m so indecisive

Pick the month you were born in.
- January
- February
- March
- April
- May
- June
- July
- August
- September
- October
- November
- December

Pick a gym badge.

What decade were you born in?
- The 1940s
- The 1950s
- The 1960s
- The 1970s
- The 1980s
- The 1990s
- The 2000s
- I’m old enough to know that’s a rude question!

Professor Willow offers you a starter Pokémon at the start of your journey. Which one would you like to choose?

Do you think it's better to stay true to yourself or to be constantly changing and adopting new ideas?
- I prefer to stick to what I believe in
- I try to stay open-minded

What day were you born?
- 1st — 7th
- 8th — 14th
- 15th — 21st
- 22nd — 28th
- 29th — 31st

You're using a friend as a reference for a job you really want. How do you ask them to describe you?
- Respectful
- Honest
- Passionate
- Humble
- Focused
- Likeable

What time of day were you born?
- 12 AM — 7 AM
- 7 AM — 11 AM
- 11 AM — 3 PM
- 3 PM — 7 PM
- 7 PM — 12 AM
- Uhh, I have no idea…

Ugh — you've just come home from a stressful day at work. What do you do to relax?
Listen to music
Read a book
Eat my feelings

What's your greatest weakness?
- Distant
- Perfectionist
- Selfish
- Stubborn
- Unassertive
- Controlling

What kind of trainer are you?
- Win at all costs!
- It’s all about having fun
- I’m competitive, but there’s only so far I’ll go…

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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