Which Side of The Force Do You Belong To?
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The Force is a power that drives life throughout the universe. Whether you use The Force for good or bad is up to you.
How would you use your power: as a Jedi or a Sith? Find out here, and may The Force be with you…Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. SubShow More
The Force is a power that drives life throughout the universe. Whether you use The Force for good or bad is up to you.
How would you use your power: as a Jedi or a Sith? Find out here, and may The Force be with you…Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

Many people in our world are less fortunate than us. Do you ever contribute to a good cause?
- I’ll throw a couple dollars into the collection jars at the mall.
- No. People need to get real jobs.
- I volunteer or donate to charities regularly.

Do you often visit your parents?
- Of course! I love spending time with them.
- Not really…we don’t talk much.
- I’d prefer not to talk about it…

Not everyone likes to wake up early. What kind of riser are you?
- I wake up before the sunrise. The early bird gets the worm!
- Late to bed, late to rise. I’m more productive at night.

Your favorite team has been 8-0 all season, and just lost to the worst team in the league. How to you react?
- I’m so embarrassed. We could have done much better!
- I’m okay with it. As long as we’re doing better than everyone else, we’re good.
- Wait…are we talking about football?

Which Star Wars character do you like the most?
Boba Fett.
Darth Vader.
Princess Leia.

Troops from another planet came to attack your race! You’re emperor of your land. How do you respond to these acts?
- Turn our space exploration bureau into a military branch and blow up their planet!
- Talk to leaders from the other planet and figure out why this happened. Their entire race can’t be evil.
- Declare a state of emergency and launch our nukes to any foreign objects in the sky.

Just as you’re about to propose, you find out your significant other is cheating on you! How do you handle it?
- I wait and plan my ultimate revenge. They’ll pay dearly!
- Break up and get on with my life.
- Pretend I don’t know about it and work on being a better significant other so they won’t be tempted to leave me again.

If there is one thing you would rather never deal with again, what would it be?
- People that walk or drive too slow.
- Long lines at the coffee shop.
- Loud children.
- My co-workers.
- Hearing anything about Donald J. Trump.

Which pooch is one with The Force?

Friends love you for your flaws! What is something that your friends are too nice to say about you?
- I don’t think about others enough.
- I’m cheap.
- My voice is annoying. I talk a bit too much…
- I’m a follower and don’t think for myself.
- There isn’t anything wrong with me! How dare anyone go behind my back…

We’re sure that in Star Wars, astrology is based on other constellations. On planet Earth, what’s your star sign?
- Aries.
- Taurus.
- Gemini.
- Cancer.
- Leo.
- Virgo.
- Libra.
- Scorpio.
- Sagittarius.
- Capricorn.
- Aquarius.
- Pisces.

As you finish this quiz, take notice — what kind of computer are you using?
- Apple product.
- PC or Android device.

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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