Who Were You In A Previous Life?
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Have you ever felt as though you’ve led a different life before? Perhaps you were an inventor, or a member of Medieval royalty!
You always say you could have done great things in a past life…it’s time to find out the truth.
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Have you ever felt as though you’ve led a different life before? Perhaps you were an inventor, or a member of Medieval royalty!
You always say you could have done great things in a past life…it’s time to find out the truth.
Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

What's your occupation in this life?
- A lawyer.
- An entertainer.
- A writer.
- A CEO.
- Whatever I want to be!
- I’m still figuring that out…

What time period do you feel the most connected to?
- The Middle Ages.
- The Renaissance.
- 1800’s France.
- Ancient China.
- The American Revolution.
- Ancient Greece.

A genie has granted you a wish! You can have dinner with ANYONE from history. Who do you pick?
Marie Antoinette.
Thomas Edison.
Humphrey Bogart.

You're walking to your car when you trip and fall. Ouch! Now what?
- Check to see if anyone saw.
- Laugh at myself.
- Just keep moving.
- Think about it all day…
- Oh, I don’t pay it any mind.
- If anyone laughs, they’re dead.

What do you like to put on your ice cream?

What modern invention could you totally do without?
- Ebooks.
- Radio.
- Computers.
- TV.
- Photoshop.
- Ugh, I don’t know — most of them.

When do you most often experience deja-vu?
- When I meet new people.
- When I’m in an argument.
- When I’m in love.
- When I’m near water, or traveling.
- When I’m making an important decision.
- When I feel in charge.

What sparks the most vivid memory for you?

Would you consider yourself high maintenance?
- Yes, I admit it.
- No way!
At times, maybe.- I…well…yeah.
- Ugh, no — never.
- Just a bit, perhaps.

You're coming out of the grocery store when you spot a $10 bill on the street. What do you do?
- Keep it.
- Buy art supplies.
- Invest it.
- Loudly ask if anyone lost it.
- Search wildly for whoever might have lost it.
- Buy myself a notebook.

What do you like to read?
- My own work.
- Screenplays.
- Sheet music.
- Cultural theory.
- Sci-fi novels.
- The Farmer’s Almanac.

Looking back, what do you tend to remember most about your life?
- Accomplishments.
- Friendships.
- Work.
- Trips and adventures.
- Hardships.
- Romantic relationships.

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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