Could You Actually Win Miss Universe?
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Every year, thousands of women from all over the world compete for a chance to walk on the Miss Universe stage, but only a few make the cut.
If you got the chance to compete, would you go home with the crown?Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your aShow More
Every year, thousands of women from all over the world compete for a chance to walk on the Miss Universe stage, but only a few make the cut.
If you got the chance to compete, would you go home with the crown?Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

Miss Universe is the biggest pageant event of the year! After careful consideration, you decided to put your crown in the ring. Why are you competing?
- Because I’m hot, obviously.
- I heard there’s a cool prize package.
- Why not? Being Miss Universe sounds like the coolest job in the world!
- I’m always looking for a new challenge.

Being in a swimsuit on international TV is intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be! How do you keep yourself in shape?
Hot yoga

Other than the USA, which country would be cool to represent?
- Australia.
- Japan.
- Slovenia.
- Brazil.
- Canada.

There are a lot of perks that go along with being Miss Universe. What about winning the crown are you most excited about?
- International travel for a year!
- Being famous!
- Did I hear about a cash prize?
- Meeting people from around the world.
- Having a designer-sponsored wardrobe!
- Um…have you seen the crown?

A big name in fashion has offered to design your evening gown. What would you like your gown to look like?

The most fun phase of competition is wearing your national costume! How do you dress to represent the USA?
- The Statue of Liberty – let freedom ring!
- A big and bright native headdress.
- An army uniform – support our troops!
- Cowgirl. Big hat, big boots!

You tell a stranger that you’re a pageant contestant, and they complain that pageants are degrading to women. What do you say?
- Pageants are actually meant to empower and there’s hard work that goes into it. Come watch!
- Parts of competition are outdated, but it’s all for fun.
- I haven’t competed yet, so I can’t say whether it is. I’m excited, though!

You’re owning the catwalk during the swimsuit phase and your top starts to fall off. What do you do?
- Run off stage — no one has to see anything!
- Turn around, fix myself, and continue with a smile.
- Hold myself up and hope I don’t give anyone a show!

You’re having a chat with the host and he asks what your backup plan is if you don’t win. Do you have a Plan B?
- Honestly? Spending the next month on my couch eating takeout.
- I have some great opportunities lined up. Hopefully “Plan A” works out!
- I’ll just go back to what I was doing before, I guess.
- I haven’t really thought about it…

Contestants get to spend a few weeks in a really cool city! Where would you like to prepare for your reign?
Rio de Janeiro.

There’s no talent portion for Miss Universe. But if there were, how would you ‘wow’ the judges?
- Singing.
- Dancing.
- Play my favorite musical instrument.
- Something whacky.
- Theatrical monologue.

You made it to the top 5! For your onstage question, Beyoncé asks about the presidential election. But you didn’t hear the whole question because you were in awe that Beyoncé was speaking to you. What do you do?
- Kindly ask for her to repeat the question. I’d rather give a coherent answer than guess.
- She said something about the election, so I’ll mention what I think is important in voting.
- Make some joke about how you’re starstruck and say she should be president.

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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