Would You Make A Good Spy?
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Being a secret agent is an exciting and glamorous life. Do you have what it takes to protect your country from devastation? Take this quiz to find out!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answShow More
Being a secret agent is an exciting and glamorous life. Do you have what it takes to protect your country from devastation? Take this quiz to find out!Once you answer all the questions, you will get your results from this quiz. Submit your answers by selecting an option below each question. All answer options will load for you once you reach them. For best results, answer the questions in a row. Once you know your results, don’t forget to check the rest of the fun quizzes we’ve prepared for you. Good luck!

Only the best international spies go on covert international missions. Do you speak any languages other than English?
- know some Spanish and a few words in French.
- I live in America. Why would I need anything other than English?
- Yes. I’m fluent in three other languages.

Just as you’re about to take a vacation, your boss sends you on an overseas mission. Where do you hope to go?

It looks like you’re going to Ukraine instead. You have five hours to prepare. How do you use your time?
- Take a nap. I’m going to have to fight off jet lag once I arrive.
- Brush up on Russian and study a map of Kiev.
- Re-read my mission statement and think of everything that could go wrong.

The technology director has designed some cool new gadgets for your mission. Which one are you most excited to use?
- Google contact lenses. No one knows I’m reading their file while speaking with them.
- Hidden lock picks in boots. Stylish and functional!
- An app for my iPhone that will tell me anything I could ever need to know.
- Lipstick-shaped stun gun. It fits in my purse!

You get off the plane and realize you only packed enough clothes for one day. It’s time to go shopping. What would you like to wear?
Some jeans and a warm, neutral-colored sweater.
A bright polo shirt or tight bandage dress.
Sweatpants or some activewear.
A silly costume

You’re all set for this mission. As you check into your hotel room, you notice that the concierge addressed you by your real name. Your passport has your code name. What do you do?
- Ask her to bring my bags to my room and don’t let her leave ’til she tells me who she works for.
- Stay in character and tell her she must be mistaken.

It’s 8:15 p.m. and you are 15 minutes late at the gala hosted by the prime minister. What’s the first thing you do?
- Find the prime minister’s aide and apologize for being so late. I hope he wasn’t upset.
- Head to the bar and order a strong cocktail.
- Walk around a bit and take note of the exits and the locations of important people.

As the prime minister is speaking, you notice an incredibly attractive person flashing you a smile from across the room. Do you pursue?
- Of course. Why pass up great company?
- Absolutely not. They were probably sent from Russia to distract me.

Before this mystery person has a chance to approach you, your phone buzzes with a text message from your boss. She wants to abort the mission. What do you do?
- Ignore the message. It’s obviously a trap. She would never send me important information via text.
- Feel relieved! I leave the party and take the attractive mystery person back to my hotel room. Maybe order takeout?
- Reply with a code phrase that only she would understand. If she replies correctly, it’s off.

Suddenly, a bunch of men in suits approach you from all corners of the room. What do you do?
- Set off a harmless smoke bomb so no one can see, and escape through the nearest door.
- Lead them all toward the restroom and knock each of them out with my black-belt moves.
- Message for backup and distract them until help has arrived.

As you return to the U.S., your boss tells you that you’re not getting a raise this year. Instead, you’re demoted. How do you respond?
- Laugh and walk out. She’s quite a jokester.
- Remind her that I have some unflattering photos of her that could potentially ruin her career if anyone else found out.
- Quit. I don’t have time for this.
- List off all of my accomplishments over the past six months and that it would be silly to demote someone who’s contributed so much to the safety of our country.

You now have a few weeks to figure out what you’re going to do next. Where do you decide to take a long vacation?

Last question - how would you rate this quiz?
- I loved it!
- It was pretty okay.
- Not great…
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