What Does Each Zodiac Sign’s Kissing Style Mean About Their Personality?
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No two people kiss exactly the same (that’s part of the fun of kissing, isn’t it?). In fact, the way someone kisses can reveal quite a bit about who they are as a person. A deep, slow, and intense kiss might reveal someone who takes it easy but has a lot happening beneath. On the other hand, theShow More
No two people kiss exactly the same (that’s part of the fun of kissing, isn’t it?). In fact, the way someone kisses can reveal quite a bit about who they are as a person. A deep, slow, and intense kiss might reveal someone who takes it easy but has a lot happening beneath. On the other hand, the person who’s quick to make the first move but flames out quickly might not be the kind of person you want to rely on.
Here at the MagiQuiz lab we’ve discovered that kissing styles have a surprising match in Zodiac signs. There’s a pretty exact science to it: if you tell us how you kiss, we’ll be able to identify a trait of your Zodiac sign. Wild, huh? Get ready to examine just what you do with your tongue and your lips and your hands and your teeth. It might get hot and heavy in here. Ready?

When were you born?
- January 20-February 18
- February 19-March 20
- March 21-April 19
- April 20-May 20
- May 21-June 20
- June 21-July 22
- July 23-August 22
- August 23-September 22
- September 23-October 22
- October 23-November 21
- November 22-December 21
- December 22-January 19

Do you like to make the first move for a kiss, or do you wait for them to come to you?
- I always make the first move
- I usually wait for them
- It’s about 50/50

Where do your hands go when you're kissing?
- My partner’s hair
- My partner’s face
- My partner’s waist
- My partner’s chest
- A little bit further south
- They move around

When do you tend to have your first kiss with a new person?
- First date, definitely
- I wait a couple of dates
- I’m pretty shy so it could be weeks
- Whenever the spirit moves me

Other than the mouth, what's your favorite place to kiss?
- Neck
- Cheek
- Ears
- Chest
- Tummy
- Booty
- The naughty bits

How do you feel about the use of teeth in a kiss?
- No thank you
- They should be used very sparingly
- I’m into it

How would you describe your use of tongue when you kiss?
- Minimal
- Average
- Considerable

Eyes closed or open?
- Closed
- Open

Which of these is your biggest kissing dealbreaker?
- Bad breath
- Too much saliva
- Excessive groping
- Surprise kisses
- Too much sucking
- No passion/interest

How do you feel about incorporating a sexy food like chocolate into a kiss?
- Hell yeah
- Maybe in certain circumstances
- Ew no

How would you describe the perfect first kiss with a new boo?
- Tender
- Passionate
- Exciting
- Sweet
- Fun
- Sexy

If you were going to get nervous about a kiss, what would you be nervous about?
- My partner won’t like it
- Getting interrupted or caught
- Making a weird noise
- Our teeth running into each other

How old were you when you had your first kiss?
- Less than 13
- 14-15
- 16-17
- 18+

How many people have you kissed?
- Just one
- Two to three
- Four or five
- Six to eight
- Eight to ten
- Ten to fifteen
- More than fifteen

In your average week, how many kisses do you have?
- None
- Less than five
- Somewhere between five and ten
- A couple a day
- So many. As many as I want.

You're getting married! That kiss is one of the most important you'll ever have. What type of kiss would you have?
- Chaste (mom and dad are right there)
- Loving
- Oh we’re putting some tongue in there
- I definitely want it to go on for longer than everyone feels comfortable

You're out with your boo and they try to plant one on you in the middle of a crowded street. Are you into it?
- Hell yeah
- If no one’s looking
- No I hate PDA

Let's say things get a little messy while you're kissing: you break away and realize your hair is all over the place and your face is kind of wet. What do you do?
- I laugh and muss up my partner’s hair too
- I subtly fix it
- I look up at my partner through my hair and make it sexy
- I’m mortified

Which of these is more romantic?
- A spontaneous, unplanned kiss
- Creating the most romantic atmosphere I can for the perfect kiss

Which do you think is more intimate: kissing or sex?
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